A Blue Point Siamese Cats: Everything You Need to Know

Blue point Siamese cats

A blue point Siamese cat is one of the four colors that these unique and beautiful creatures exist in. This cat breed is known for being particularly and extroverted. In addition to that, they are also very affectionate. So, you can always expect your cat to cheer you up when you’re down with some okay time or cuddles. If you’re considering getting one, here’s everything you need to know about blue point Siamese cats.

Quick Facts about Blue Point Siamese Cats

Siamese cats, specifically blue point ones, are known for being incredibly beautiful with their gorgeous coats. Siamese cats are white, black, grey, and blue. How blue Siamese cats are significantly harder to find than the others. So, if you get your hands on one, it’s best you know some facts of this breed so that you know what to expect.

  • Weight – between 5 and 12 pounds
  • Height – between 10 and 12 inches
  • Lifespan – between 10 and 13 years

You can identify this type of cat with its blue-white fur on its body and slate blue points. Siamese cats are typically an elegant breed, and their needs are quite demanding too.

Personality Traits of Blue Point Siamese Cats

It’s best to know about the personality of traits of Siamese cats before getting one. This way, you’ll know what arrangements you may have to make to ensure your cat is healthy.

They Are an Intelligent Breed

One of the many factors that make blue point Siamese cats unique is that they are more intelligent than other cat breeds. So, they need to get adequate mental stimulation through play and activities to stay healthy. You may have to spend money on toys that will keep it intrigued throughout the day. In addition to that, you should devote time to keep your cats active through play. If your cat doesn’t get enough mental activity, it will start to experience boredom, depression, and other problems.

You cannot leave a blue point Siamese cat alone for long periods throughout the day. If you live alone and your work forces you to stay out of the house for several hours, it’s best not to get a Siamese cat. Get a blue point Siamese cat if there’s someone present at your home at all times.

They Are Affectionate

One of the many reasons why people get blue Siamese cats is that it is an affectionate breed. They’re great for both individuals and families. These cats enjoy interacting with family members, keeping you company whenever you need comfort.

In addition to that, you can expect your blue point Siamese cat to follow you around while you go about your day in the house. Blue point Siamese cats tend to also sit on you a lot. So, it may sit on your lap while you watch TV or even join you in your bed when you’re asleep.

At the same time, these cats may experience separation anxiety. So, they may start to experience problems such as depression. That may make them unwell on the whole. In addition to that, it may also lead to you cat acting out destructive behavior.

You should only get a blue point Siamese cat if you’re comfortable with the consistent attention from your pet. If you prefer being left to your device for most of your day then a blue point Siamese cat is not the best option.

They Are Vocal

A unique attribute of this breed of cats is that they are more vocal than other breeds. So, you can expect your Siamese cat to try and communicate with you often through vocalization. Whether you like this or not depends on you entirely.

For some pet owners, Siamese cats’ vocalization can be endearing and improve the overall experience with your cat. It can allow you to bond with your pet better and create more fond memories.

On the other hand, some pet owners prefer having quieter cats in their homes. The frequent vocalization may be bothersome, especially if you and your pet’s sleeping schedules don’t match. In that case, you may want to consider getting another cat breed for your home.

You should also note that blue point Siamese cats tend to expect responses to their vocalization. Thus, you will need to make it clear to your cat that you’re listening to what they say. Your cat will get more vocal and louder if you don’t respond to what it says.

They Are Highly Territorial

Siamese cats are a highly territorial breed. Therefore, they don’t get along well with other cats. So, you should reconsider getting one if you already have a cat in your home or if you plan to get one in the future.

If you plan to let your cat go outdoors as well, make sure that you don’t keep its claws too short. This territorial creature may get into fights with other cats, so you should ensure that it can send for itself.

You can, however, keep it along with dogs. That said, you should make sure that your dogs behave well around cats. In turn, you can expect a healthy and strong relationship between your cats.  

What You Must Know Before Owning a Blue Point Siamese Cat

Taking care of a pet is a huge responsibility, and blue point Siamese cats are even more work than other breeds. Therefore, you should only take that on if you know you can give such a cat the care, attention, and love it requires. Your goal should be to enable the cat to thrive and stay happy, and you should keep the following in mind to be able to do that effectively.

Exercise Requirements

Siamese cats are energetic cats. Therefore, you must dedicate about 15 minutes where you can engage in interactive play with your cat. Doing so will allow your cat to be physically and mentally healthy. Get a laser pointer or cat toys that are attached to strings. This way, you can encourage explosive reactions from your pet. In addition to that, make sure it has enough toys that challenge its mind and keep it busy when you’re working.

If you allow your cat to go outdoors, it’s best to do that under your supervision. Siamese cats tend to get stolen because of their high resale value. Also, their energetic playfulness increases their chances of meeting with accidents.

Food and Diet Requirements

Blue point Siamese cats tend to have a higher risk of food sensitivities and food allergies than other cat breeds. It’s best to stick to a single source of protein or a grain-free diet. There should be enough moisture in your Siamese cat’s diet, and they should have access to fresh water. Speak to your vet and ask for their recommendations.

Grooming Requirements

Your blue point Siamese cat’s fur won’t grow long. So, it’s relatively easy to maintain. You should use a steel tooth comb to remove knots and dead hairs from its coat. Brush your cat’s teeth once every three weeks. Start proper grooming practices while your pet is a kitten. This way, it’ll be easier to groom it with ease when it’s an adult.


Siamese cats are intelligent creatures, and because of that, they are relatively easy to train compared to other cat breeds. You can train these cats to play fetch, respond to their names, or perform other basic tasks. The process of training a blue point Siamese cat is the same as it is with other cats. You have to use a lot of positive reinforcement until they eventually learn the task.

You should also train your blue point Siamese cat to be sociable. Try to introduce it to strangers and other pets by taking it to the park. It can help make your cat more friendly, which can help if you plan to get another cat in the family.

Health Conditions

All Siamese cats are prone to a number of genetic health conditions. The most common of those are eye problems and some heart-related issues. It’s best to consult your vet when you get your cat in the home. This way, you can test for any underlying symptoms, and the vet can inform you about what to look out for.

Cost of a Blue Point Siamese Kitten

While you should always consider adopting a kitten first, you can purchase a blue point Siamese cat. You can expect one to cost anywhere between $800 and $1000. Show quality kittens can go up to $2500, especially if they are descendants of other show cats.  

Last Few Words

Blue point Siamese cats can make an excellent addition to your family. However, you must make sure that you can take care of it well. With its relatively demanding needs, you will need to be there to play and care for your cat.