Siamese cats’ chatty and cute demeanor makes them highly desirable to a large number of cat enthusiasts.
It is common knowledge that Siamese cats are highly active and energetic, but these traits are often accompanied by excessive talkativeness and even plain aggression. Another drawback is that, Siamese cats are more prone to biting compared to other breeds. While more often than not, these bites are just a part of their overall playful nature, but other times, a Siamese cat might bite because of particular feelings.
While this biting can become problematic, it is important you do not scold your Siamese cat or respond to aggression with aggression. Instead, you must try to identify the root cause behind your cat’s behavior, and address it.
In this blog, we will be discussing some of the most common reasons that your Siamese cat might be biting excessively.
Why do Siamese Cats Bite?
1) Overexcitement:
As we’ve mentioned previously, in most cases, the biting has to do with the playful and energetic nature associated with Siamese cats.
In addition, it is not uncommon for a Siamese cat to get overly worked up while playing – you must have noticed your cat’s pupils dilating or a change in the manner in which it meows.
This increase in senses means that the Siamese cat is not thinking straight, which makes it more susceptible to biting. These are times when your cat’s brain is essentially in a different state.
2) Fear:
If you find that your cat is biting more frequently than before, there is a possibility that something might be scaring it.
Siamese cats’ intelligence makes them particularly prone to anxieties, such as those of unexpected guests or new pets in the house. In addition, shifting to a different place or being surrounded by family members that it does not recognize can also prove stressful for your cat. Even though a Siamese is generally amiable with other pets, getting used to this change might take a bit of time.
In addition to biting, if you find your cat moving cautiously around the house, or making small meows or hissing noises, you can be fairly certain that there is something that is scaring or bothering it. It is important to find out the cause for your cat’s nervousness and to alleviate that fear.
3) Sensitivity to touch:
A Siamese cat is generally more sensitive than most other cat breeds. In addition, if your cat has had a history of abuse or poor treatment prior to you owning it, this sensitivity might be even more pronounced. This abuse might have come from its previous owner, or the cat might have suffered an attack from another animal.
Being highly emotional creatures, such traumas can leave a significant impact on the cat’s psyche, and make them uncomfortable with proximity. Such traumas can also make it harder for you to establish a connection with your pet.
Apart from trauma, some cats just generally dislike being touched in certain areas of their bodies.
Even though there are not a lot of things that you can do to ‘fix’ this sensitivity, particularly if it is related to past trauma, you can make sure to make yourself and your family members aware about the areas that your cat is sensitive to and avoid touching those specific areas.
4) Predatory instincts:
Certain cats are born with a predatory instinct, which comes with a greater tendency to bite. This instinct can even be found in domesticated cats, and can make its presence felt at any time. For instance, your cat might suddenly get an urge to bite you when the two of you are comfortably sitting together or even snuggled up in a blanket.
This biting urge is pretty much a part of any cat’s DNA, and all you can do is just brace yourself for it. The bites should not be a major issue as long as they are mild and benign – not to mention that they often make a cat feel happy and accomplished.
5) Irritation:
Much like humans, there are times when cats can become irritated at pretty much anything. Siamese cats, in particular, tend to get irritated and brood quite often. Thankfully, these phases are usually short-lived and do not become a major problem. However, if you find your cat is becoming irritated due to the presence of a family member, maybe you should take a few steps to discipline it or seek out some help for this issue.
Other times, a cat turn irritated when it is not feeling well or is sick. Hence, if you feel your cat’s odd behavior has gone on for longer than is normal, maybe you should schedule a visit to the vet to make sure that everything is fine health wise.
There are many reasons cats can turn irritated, which is why it is important to identify the cause and not jump to any premature conclusions.
6) Short temper:
Even though a short temper is common to all cats, the Siamese breed is particularly well-known for it – this is something that anyone looking to own a Siamese cat should know and be prepared for.
Just like excitement, anger is something that is part and parcel of a Siamese cat’s nature. However, while its excitement is usually benign and no cause for concern, the anger, if not appropriately controlled, can evolve into a chronic issue. A Siamese cat can continue to bite unless there is something to divert its attention away from the anger.
Another related issue is that of the territorial nature of Siamese cats. They don’t really like trespassers, but, if they are powerless to deal with them, they will instead use you as an outlet for their anger and frustration.
If your Siamese cat possesses such a nature, you would do well to keep your curtains down so that it does not spot the street cats and sense the desire to chase all of them away.
7) Petting:
Since Siamese cats are always on the lookout for attention, petting is perhaps not a very common reason for its biting. Having said that, there are a few Siamese cats that are not particularly huge fans of petting. If you find that your Siamese cat is indeed biting you because it dislikes petting, you should just consider yourself unlucky – distaste for petting is one of the most difficult things to address in any pet belonging to any breed.
However, like we mentioned, a dislike for petting is extremely rare in Siamese cats, which means that it is also one of the rarest reasons that your Siamese cat might be resorting to biting.
8) It feels ignored:
As we have stressed more than once, Siamese cats require a great deal of care and attention, and they will misbehave if they do not receive that care and attention. Siamese cats need people around them, and will not appreciate it if you are away from home for most of the day. In such cases, you might expect it to bite you in order to make its presence felt.
If you cannot stay at home with your cat, you could ask some of your other family members or friends to spend time with it. Alternatively, you can also obtain the services of a professional cat sitter. Staying lonely and isolated for long periods can not only make your cat more prone to biting, but also cause significant harm to its mental and physical health.
Final Word:
To conclude, cats, regardless of their breed, will bite every now and then. The Siamese breed, owing to its playful nature, high levels of energy, and attention requirements, are particularly more prone to biting. Having said that, if you feel their biting is becoming a significant problem for you, you need to identify the primary cause behind their behavior and try to address that. We hope this guide will help you successfully deduce the reason behind your Siamese cats’ biting, and take you a step closer to resolving the issue.